Mantra for Winning
An email I sent to the owner of a company I'm contracted with
Well, I'll be honest, my life philosophy has mostly been:
Fuck around and find out.
Try it, whatever you're thinking about doing. If it goes wrong, course correct, and try again.
But always be ready for the consequences.
Gain knowledge from your experience and apply it.
If you fail, document the experience.
Why is it a fail?
What caused the fail?
What will you change next time?
If everything went exactly as planned, document the experience.
Review the plan
Why did it work?
How much was attributed to luck? How much is attributed to skill? How much attributed to the plan?
Who are you today, and how do you become who you want to be tomorrow?
At an organizational level, where is the company today, what is the gap between the current conditions and the goal
Break down the steps to get there.
Are the steps reasonable? Do we need more time?
And if you get stuck planning.... Move on to step one.
Maybe this is a lot. But I think these are pretty close to my guiding principles.