The Wheel of Samara

Samsara in Sanskrit means, "The Wheel of Life." It's the seasons we live, as we reincarnate over and over again until we learn the lessons from each of the turns.

The Hindus believe we go through each turn until we learn how to get off. And we can only do so as sentient beings.

The wheel of Samsara symbolizes the material goods the world has to offer. We catch ourselves in the spokes of the wheel the more we desire outcomes and control from Samsara. Only until we find that the wheel is nothing but an illusion, and it really has nothing to offer except to learn that we choose to stay on it out of fear.

Our world, want, desire, ego, control, fear...These are all the things that Samsara can give you when you become obsessed with the illusion. But when you open your eyes to the illusion, you trade nothing for everything. You learn that we already have everything.

In our lives, we reincarnate over and over again as new identities, new people, and we evolve with each passing season, learning new lessons at each turn. Remember to watch for the patterns as they come. You'll find that your history repeats itself until you learn how to step off the wheel, and say, "no more. I will not suffer again the same way."

Open your eyes to the illusion.

Learn to give nothing in exchange for everything.

When we learn to step off the wheel of Samsara, the awakening spreads, and permeates among our culture, and our society. We can learn from our suffering when we let go of what causes it.